Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bryce Canyon Rainout

The beautiful landscapes of America inspired the creation of a revolutionary idea; the National Park System, beautiful places set aside to be protected, to inspire the millions of people who visit them. The picturesque views have inspired art, love, and joy. Today, as the world is remembering 9/11, the news coverage reminds us that each and every person who died on that tragic day inspired someone. What has become of those inspirations? Everyday is a chance to inspire and to be inspired. Today, we are reminded of that as we wandered through the majestic hoodoos of Bryce canyon and feel proud to be an American, where we live in a country that thrives on inspiration.

I was especially inspired to visit Bryce because the last time I was there was when I was thirteen years old and being forced by my mother to wear a bra...for the very first time. All I can remember about hiking through the labyrinth of rock was the horrible tugging and squeezing of the band around my rib cage. I was excited to visit the canyon to create memories with my children (without the distraction of the unnatural, yet culturally correct garment). Just as my visit over twenty years ago is memorable, our visit today will be too. We were about half-way through our hike when a thunder cloud enveloped us. Soon, we were hiking in a complete downpour. It was so much fun...and inspiring!

Gracie showing Jess how to pose like a rock start
Heads up boys!!!

And the rain begins...

The boys taking shelter from the rain

Sure makes a pretty picture
The camera doesn't do the down-pore justice, it was hailing at this point
Gracie and daddy take shelter
Jaden was fed up with the pelting of hail so he booked it

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the pictures, sure do miss all of you.