Monday, October 17, 2011

Jess takes me on a date!

Since we moved to Cedar City, the chance for Jess and I to go hiking alone together has been far and few between. Yesterday we got our chance so we explored more of Kolob Canyon. Without the kids, we were able to do what we love, which is to wander off the trail and make our own route. We had a such a great time together, and we love each other more and more everyday! I am a lucky lady to be married to my best friend, my mentor, and my hero.
The chute in the middle of the picture was our route
We bush-wacked through the chute to a beautiful vista
The far left chute was our route, we then traversed right along the edge to the peak in the middle of the picture
The view from the peak
We scrambled on some VERY unstable rock
Trying to find the best route down

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