Saturday, August 20, 2011

Southern California Honeymoon

Ok, I kind of suck at keeping our blog updated. Since the last post, there have been some changes. The kids went to Logan to visit their dad and grandparents for three weeks. While they were gone, Jess and I played a lot. We went on a few motorcycle rides, went camping, and just spent a lot of quality time together. We even took an impromptu honeymoon to Southern California (without 18 of our closest relatives). We started at Imperial Beach and toured many of the beaches along highway 1 up to Laguna Beach. It was a very much needed vacation for us, seeing as how we hadn't been alone since March. We were reminded about how in love we are and that there is nothing better than being married to your best friend. When we are together, we joke, we laugh, we sit in comfortable silence, and just plain enjoy each others company. We compliment each other and have grown closer through hard times.

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